Entry 1 - Drink: A Quarantine Self Study, by Emma Wedemeyer

My Name is Emma Anne Wedemeyer (@emma_wed) and I am currently a Senior BFA dance major at the University of Florida. My current interests lie in immersive dance theatre performance, act of surveillance on places of private expression, and creating work where it would traditional not be. -A gentle reminder to drink water, wash your hands, and stay safe I’ve seen the following post all over my instastory feed - that, “The Corona Virus before it reaches the lungs it remains in the throat for four days and at this time the person will begin to cough and have throat pains. If he drinks water a lot and gargling with warm water & salt or vinegar it could eliminate the virus”…. hence my anxiety progressed and the inspiration for this video was created. It’s easy to feel hopeless in this situation - and as a dancer being out of the studio for longer than a month sounds gut wrenching. I’ve been spending the past few days brainstorming ways to allow my creative spirit to feel challenged in these extraordinary times. I have decided to create a series of #selfquarantinestudies where I make small dance films in my apartment - with just my iPhone and laptop.
