Entry 49 - “Springtime is Happening,” by Fotini Christophillis

Entry #49 “Springtime is Happening,” by Fotini Christophillis (@fotinistudio)
I am a painter based in New York and am currently spending this quarantine period in my hometown of Greenville, SC. I hold a MFA from the School of the Museum of Fine Arts/Tufts University in 2016 and BA in Studio Art and Arts Management from the College of Charleston in 2008. My recent work lies at the intersection of painting, music, and dance, exploring traditional painting and drawing processes with the dynamics of live performance and the moving image.
Currently during this lockdown, I have been producing a series of floral paintings titled, "Springtime is Happening", inspired by the blossoming springtime and vibrant color of my hometown in the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains. It was an unexpected turn of circumstances that brought me here, but I am finding myself waking up to the natural beauty that surrounds me and striving to capture this experience with a fresh perspective. In the midst of all that is happening, as everything in the world closes, I am reminded that springtime is happening, and there is hope.